Malisha Kumar was born and raised in San Jose, California. A mom of two, she has become an advocate for special needs, education and community. She started her career in manufacturing, working with her parents at their family owned business before taking a position at the Bill Wilson Center as Director of Homelessness and Problem Solving. Malisha’s parents immigrated to the US from Fiji and are examples of the “American Dream”. Education is her parents’ doctrine and so Malisha is a graduate of Santa Clara University with a B.S. in Anthropology and an MBA. It is from her parents that she learned about determination, compassion, empathy and how to run an organization that is fair and sees its employees as people rather than commodities. Seeing the need for change, Malisha has decided to focus her passion on finding opportunities for change within the system that we the people are a part of.
I am a CEO, a mom, and an advocate.
As a successful business owner, current planning commissioner and special needs mom; I know and understand how to navigate bureaucratic policy and systems.
I will use my skills in combination with my love for community, to bring about positive change.